Travel in Pregnancy

Despite what you think NO-ONE moves out of your way, they actually barge their bags and person into you and push themselves first all the time. A priest, an actual priest, dog-collar and all, pushed past me on the street the other day. Need I say more. Women are the worst for not moving - there was 1 seat free on the tube, no-one else on the platform, she clocked I was pregnant and actually pushed herself on first and sat down. Kindly a man did give his seat for me opposite her so I gave her death stares for the whole journey. I don't know why women are the worst but I feel that they just look at me and go well it was your choice to be pregnant or they have never been pregnant and don't understand. Where are the discounts? Surely its logical to think that as we are far more exhausted and can't walk half as far as usual that they would give you a discounted rate on buses and tubes. I walk everywhere mainly to save money and I have been unable to walk down the street wit...