My Routine

"I've got creon, creon in my nose, creon in my toes, creon in my hair, creon everywhere" Learning your baby's natural routine or trying to implement your own is difficult, i'd planned to just listen to my baby and follow his lead...but you can't do that when it comes to medicines. From L-R: Bib, Creon in pot, Syringes with Flucloxacillin Having a newborn with Cystic Fibrosis is hard. Antibiotics must be taken on an empty stomach so 2 hours after a feed or 1 hour before. Physio needs to be done morning and evening, but a crying baby wants food not physio. It is especially distressing to give Henry his Flucloxacillin antibiotics as he cries so much and pushes it out of his mouth. We called the nurses who advised to blow on his face fast which makes him swallow (a baby's natural reflex) and squeeze his cheeks. Yesterday was a triumph as he took all of the antibiotics and none dribbled out thanks to me holding his cheeks so his tongue ...