Genetics in the News

Its been in my mind alot..'I wish my child didn't have a genetic disease' but today I read that babies made from 2 women and 1 man as an advanced form of IVF has been approved in the UK so "t he historic and controversial move is to prevent children being born with deadly genetic diseases" . I have grappled with the fact that medicine at the moment is not advanced enough to cure cystic fibrosis and have questioned that if there was a procedure to remove faulty DNA cells in a foetus, if I would have had it done had I known my baby would have Cystic Fibrosis. I guess its partly jealously that another mother might have a genetically fine child by being offered a choice which I never had, but its also the price that being picky comes with, morally and financially for the NHS. And this news comes as the drug Orkambi is being fought in Parliament for the price to be lowered so it could be available to all CF patients who may benefit from it. At £100k per year, its...