Antibiotics Yet Again...

And just as I was feeling better, getting rest, enjoying abit of routine..the hospital call to say Henry has grown a virus in his lungs and has to be on antibiotics for 2 weeks. 2 weeks you may question...not such a big deal ... But it is. It means having to physically hold down Henry while trying to get the syringe in his mouth. It means that in the morning I have to now do his breakfast, give him 3 vitamins from 3 different syringes, get him dressed, brush his teeth, help him go to the toilet a few times, get his nebuliser ready, keep him still to do his nebuliser, clean his nebuliser immediately, then fit in him screaming and being physical to me while I hold him down for antibiotics.....and then get him to nursery for 8am. And some parents struggle just getting their child dressed every morning....! Enjoy that every morning for 2 weeks. Morning and Afternoon. And with another nebuliser in the evening and pep masks and other physio. Where is the time for him and me to actually...