Feeling Angry
8.15pm I feel incredibly angry. I got a call from Henry's nurse this afternoon that his cough swab from last Friday revealed he had grown Enterobacter and needs to now go onto Ciprofloxacin. I was told that they had faxed it to my GP and I could collect and give it to him starting tomorrow and for 4 weeks, although the nurse then said that's unusual as its normally 2 so I really have no idea how long for. She mentioned that he needs to be away from sunshine or wear factor 50 as ciprofloxacin can make skin photosensitive. Now i'm really angry as he had previously been given this 3 months ago and I was never told this information. Also she said that this infection is related to the gut and its possible that he doesn't have a lung infection and that he may have acid reflux which went on the cough swab but just to be sure you better give him the antibiotics. The fact that they don't know for certain or haven't asked us in for another cough swab to determine jus...