Mother's Day Reflections

Sunday was my second ever Mother's Day. I didn't sleep well the night before. It brings up memories of the past 2 years and it is upsetting to think about. One year ago my first ever mother's day was a disaster. It ended up with me arguing with my husband, ripping every mother's day card I'd been sent in fury and frustration and just crying and crying from being so exhausted doing everything myself and never being given the opportunity to rest ever. 40 weeks 3 months old 10 months old 22 months old I think what has been hardest is realising that what you expect from yourself becoming a mother rarely turns out to be the way you wanted it. Yes, there are lots of mothers who really do have wonderful home births and breastfeed, and travel with their children happily and feed them vegan meals and only wear organic cotton and amber beads for teething and use sustainable wooden spoons and natural rubber dummys..etc...etc...and you might really...