How are you coping with isolation? How are you coping with the threat of illness? How are you coping as a single-parent. My son is 'very high risk' due to Cystic Fibrosis and I have found it challenging to narrow down what this means to us while also nervous to write honestly about this time. Initially I was in blind panic mode. Nobody seemed to be taking this seriously, some children were taken out of school, others weren't, stockpiling was happening, antibac wipes/gel/spray prices skyrocketed, marathons were going ahead while others were closed down. I decided early on to take my son out of school a week before they closed. His condition means his lungs would be seriously affected by any respiratory infection, but the advice from the NHS was to bring him into clinic and continue life as usual. Instead, I kept us at home. I had to work from home. I worked from 5am-7am while he had breakfast and played, we spent the day inside with a trip out for exercise and to get fo...
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