Week 4 // 2018

2 days overdue publishing this post but last week was abit of a mess, Henry was ill, I was ill and we had a snivvly time cuddling up at home.. roll on next week to be the end of drizzly January and bring some nicer weather..so here is my post about our clinic the week before: Last monday was Henry's first CF Clinic of 2018. For the first year of his life we used to have to go to clinic every 2-3 weeks at the Brompton (and that's not including when he might get ill in between clinic's and i'd have to take him in for more cough swabs and checks) and now its every 2 months! That first year was awful, no rush of new baby excitement, it felt like it was all about henry's CF and that it would be like this forever...but it does get better, and my hope for any parents who have had a baby with a CF diagnosis recently is for them to read this and feel abit more positive, that the first year is particularly difficullt, even just having a baby for the first time, it might ...